Data Protection: Strong Internal Defense For Better Protection

There is no doubt about the fact that digital security is a growing concern for both private users as well as businesses. Whether that is through traditional computers or through smartphones, any device that is connected to the internet is at risk of cybercrime.

Ideally, a user or a business should employ a variety of security solutions to guarantee their safety. However, we will look at a few things that can be done internally to really take security to the next level.

Just as solid surveillance of a physical property is required to detect any intrusions, in the digital landscape a business also needs to keep a keen eye on detecting changes in the system, collecting this valuable data, analyzing and investigating the changes, and then sharing this with the concerned departments. This requires quick and efficient communication from all parts of the business to ensure that security is the top priority.

Response Management
Security surveillance is only as good as the reactive measures that are in place behind that monitoring. As soon as an anomaly is detected or in the case that a breach happens a business needs to have a solid strategy to cope with that situation.

Ideally, the aim should be to divert the attack and protect the organization from any harm however if this is not the case then it should be a priority to minimize the impact of the attack. This requires a thorough understanding of both the attacks that can happen and the capabilities of the organization itself.

Dealing With Insider Threats
As so many organizations now work in a collaborative format where people from all over the globe are remotely accessing the business resources and they are all coming from various devices and networks, it is critical to ensure that the internal assets of the company are not posing a threat. This is a twofold process where the machinery and the software that they use to interact with the business is evaluated and together with that there should also be a system to check the background of the person themselves.

Especially when you are hiring people from across the world who you might never meet physically, it is very important that you are hiring the right people. Similarly, it is important that the center of control is diverse and that no single person or small group of people has too much control over any area of the business.

At the end of the day, all your security solutions need to be managed by people and the digital hygiene practices of the employees themselves also go a long way in dictating the security of your business. One of the best investments that you can make is to train the team itself about how it should conduct itself and also how they should manage the various security solutions to ensure the wellbeing of the business.

This includes everything from security training to understanding their roles and responsibilities and knowing what they can do to be the first line of defense for the business.

Exciting News! We are proud to announce that The Network Pro, An IT Solutions Company, is rebranding and will be operating under the unified name: IT Solutions!
This rebranding signifies a renewed focus on fostering success for organizations in the Southwest.

In the coming weeks, we will retire TNP’s brand presence on all platforms, including our website. Client support resources have been transferred to our new website and are located in our Client Support Center. We also invite you to stay connected with us on LinkedIn for real-time updates and resources from our dedicated team!

For questions or more information, please contact your Strategic Advisor.